dr charlotte lengersdorf is a visual communicator, researcher and lecturer. her research and practice emerges from an intersection between type design/typography, media philosophy and a practice of programming with specific interest in the nonsensical, undetermined and unknown.


Charlotte holds a bachelor (2016) in visual communication from the peter behrens school of arts in düsseldorf and a master (2018) in visual communication from the royal college of art in london. her phd (2023, practice-based) in communication research at the royal college of art, titled 'towards an uncausal practice of visual communication', was funded by the german academic scholarship foundation.

copyright 2024 Charlotte Lengersdorf, all rights reserved

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List of Java Script Libraries used:
Ashley, Quinton, Paolo Pedercini and contributors, p5.play (2022) ; Brummitt, Liam and contributors, matter.js ; Grey, Eli, FileSaver.min.js (2016) ; Lee McCarthy, Lauren, p5.js ; von Hertzen, Niklas, html2canvas.min.js